Hello There

Hello, I have taken my Geometry Math Class today and learned about both the law of sines and cosines and all that jazz, but I learned something much better and interesting today. 1+1=3.

Here is the proof: Thanks to Fruit Fresh Art on Youtube for guiding my way!!!

1) Assume a == b == 1

2) Multiply each side by b, making ab == b^2

3) Subtract both sides by a^2, making ab - a^2 == b^2 - a^2

4) Factorize both sides, making a(b - a) == (b + a)(b - a)

5) Simply both sides, making a = a + b

6) Add both sides by 1, which makes a + 1 = a + b + 1

7) Because a == b, a + 1 == a + a + 1, which simplifies to a + 1 = 2a + 1

8) Because a == b == 1, 1 + 1 = 2 + 1

9) Yeet, 1 + 1 = 3.


Written on March 12, 2019